Operation and Maintenance
April 1998
Changing Directory Numbers
Use the COM Port Call Directories screen to change the phone number
contained in a selected directory. The T1 access unit ships with all directory
phone numbers blank.
" Procedure
To change directory phone numbers:
1. Use the following menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
COM Port Call Directories
2. To select the directory to be changed, press the number of the desired
directory (1 through 5, or A for Alarm) and press Return. The phone number
for that directory appears.
3. Review or change the phone number. Enter a number of up to 40 characters.
Make sure only valid characters are entered when changing the phone
number. Valid characters:
— Numbers 0–9
— Lowercase letters a–z
— Uppercase letters A–Z
— Space ( ) character
— ASCII symbols with the exception of the caret (^)
— Control sequence using the caret (^)
4. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area.
5. To save changes, select S
ave and press Return.
When Save is complete, Command Complete appears at the bottom of the
Changing Device Name
Use the Device Name screen to change the
H Device Name
H System Name
H System Location
H System Contact
Use any ASCII characters. Your entry in each field will overwrite existing
information. Use Clear to erase all characters in the current field.
Main Menu
Device Name