
External SBC Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 129
See also:
“External SBC” on page 127
“Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries” on
page 257
Edit External SBC Dialog Box
The following table describes the fields in the Edit External SBC dialog box.
Prefix range The dial string prefix or prefix range for which the
external SBC is responsible.
Enter a single prefix (44), a range of prefixes (44-47), or
multiple prefixes separated by commas (44,46)
If your dial plan uses the Dial services by prefix dial rule
(in the default dial plan) to route calls to services, all dial
strings beginning with an assigned prefix are forwarded
to this SBC for resolution.
If you don’t specify prefixes, the dial plan can use the
Dial external networks by H.323 URL or SIP URI dial
rule or the Dial endpoints by IP address dial rule (both
are in the default dial plan) to contact addresses outside
the enterprise network. The system detects that firewall
traversal is needed and routes the call through the SBC
closest to the caller. This must be configured per site on
the H.323 Routing tab of the Add Site or Edit Site
dialog (see “Edit Site Dialog Box” on page 292).
Strip prefix If selected, the system strips the prefix when a call that
includes a prefix is routed to this SBC.
Postliminary A postliminary is an executable script, written in the
Javascript language, that defines dial string
transformations to be applied before querying the SBC.
Enabled Lets you turn a postliminary on or off without deleting it.
Script Type (or paste) the postliminary script you want to
apply. Then click Debug this script to open the Script
Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries
and test the script with various variables.
Table 5-24 Add External SBC dialog box
Column Description