DMA Operations Guide MCUs
134 Polycom, Inc.
IP Addresses The IP address for the MCU’s management interface (M)
and signaling interface (S).
Signaling Type The type of signaling for which the MCU is configured:
H.323, SIP, or both.
Ports Reserved The number of video and voice ports on the MCU that are
reserved for the Polycom CMA system and therefore
off-limits to the Polycom DMA system. Applies only to MCUs
that are enabled for conference rooms (available as a
conferencing resource for the Polycom DMA system’s
Conference Manager).
Reserving a portion of an MCU’s capacity for the Polycom
CMA system enables that portion to be used for scheduled
conferences (where MCU resources are reserved in
This feature is available only on RMX v. 6.0 or later MCUs
and with a Polycom CMA system. It’s not available for use
with a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system,
which can’t share MCUs with the DMA system.
Prefix The dialing prefix assigned to the MCU, if any. MCUs without
a prefix are unavailable for direct prefix-based dialing.
MCUs don’t need a prefix to be used as conferencing
resources by the Conference Manager.
Table 6-1 Information in the MCU list
Column Description