
DMA Operations Guide MCUs
138 Polycom, Inc.
The following table describes the fields in the dialog box.
MCU pools and pool orders are not used to select an ISDN gateway for simplified
gateway dialing. See “ISDN Gateway Selection Process” on page 147.
When a Polycom RMX MCU is functioning as an ISDN gateway, each call through
the gateway consumes two ports, one for the ISDN side and one for the H.323 side.
The ports used for gateway calls aren’t available for conferences, so gateway
operations may significantly reduce the available conferencing resources.
Table 6-3 Add MCU dialog box
Field Description
External MCU
Name Name for the MCU (up to 32 characters).
Type Lists the types of MCUs the system supports. Must be
set to the correct MCU type in order for the DMA system
to be able to connect to it.
Management IP
IP address for logging into the MCU (to use it as a
conferencing resource).
Admin user ID Administrative user ID with which the Polycom DMA
system can log into the MCU.
For a maximum security environment, this must be a
machine account created on the RMX MCU. Note that
the RMX MCU uses case-sensitive machine names
(and thus FQDNs) when creating machine accounts.
Password Password for the administrative user ID.
Video ports reserved for
CMA system
The number of video ports on this MCU that are
off-limits to the Polycom DMA system.
Set this to the number of ports you want to reserve for
your Polycom CMA system to use for scheduled
conferences (requires RMX v6.0
or later).
Note: This feature is not for use with a Polycom
RealPresence Resource Manager system. The
RealPresence Resource Manager system must have
exclusive use of any MCUs on which it directly
schedules conferences. Those MCUs should not be
added to the DMA system’s conferencing resources.