DMA Operations Guide Dashboard
358 Polycom, Inc.
Supercluster Status Pane
Displays the status of each server in every cluster of the supercluster, the status
of its private, management, and signaling interfaces, and the territory for
which it’s responsible. A territory is green if being managed by its primary
cluster, yellow if being managed by its backup cluster, and red if its out of
service (no cluster is managing it). Hover over a name or icon to see details.
Click the Link button to go to the DMAs page.
See also:
“Dashboard” on page 352
Territory Status Pane
Lists each territory, its capabilities, and the primary and backup cluster
responsible for it. The clusters are color-coded:
• Light green: The cluster is primary for the territory and in service.
• Gray: The cluster is not operational or it‘s the backup cluster and the
primary is in service.
• Dark green: The cluster is busied out.
• Red: The cluster is not connected.
• Yellow: The cluster is the backup cluster for the territory, it’s in service,
and the primary cluster is not operational.
Hover over a cluster name to see more details. Hover over a capabilities icon
to see an explanation of it. Click a column heading to sort on that column. Click
the Link button to go to the Territories page.
See also:
“Dashboard” on page 352
User Login History Pane
Displays the following information about logins by your user ID:
• The server you’re currently logged into.
• The time, date, server logged into, and source (host name or IP address) of
the last successful login (prior to your current session) by your user ID.
• The time, date, server, and source of the last failed login attempt by your
user ID.
• The number of consecutive failures before your current successful login.
See also:
“Dashboard” on page 352