Conference Templates Conference Manager Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 197
Template Priority
A user (local or enterprise) has one or more conference rooms. Each room may
either use the system’s default template (specified on the Conference Settings
page) or use a specifically assigned template. (Typically, most conference
rooms use the default template.)
An enterprise user can be associated with multiple enterprise groups, and each
group may or may not have a specifically assigned template.
You can rank the conference templates by priority, so that the system knows
which template to use when the user is associated with more than one.
When someone dials into a conference room, the system uses these rules (in
order of importance) to determine which template to use for the conference:
1 If the conference room has a specifically assigned template (not the
system default) associated with it, use that template.
2 If the user associated with the conference room belongs to one or more
enterprise groups that have specifically assigned templates, use the
template with the highest priority.
3 Otherwise, use the system default conference template.
See also:
“Conference Templates” on page 195
“Two Types of Templates” on page 195
“About Conference IVR Services” on page 197
“About Cascading” on page 198
“Conference Templates Procedures” on page 220
About Conference IVR Services
One of the conference properties you can optionally specify in a template is the
conference IVR service that the RMX MCU should use. For most purposes, you
shouldn’t do so. RMX MCUs have two defaults, one for conferences with
passcodes and one for conferences without passcodes, and automatically use
the right one for each conference.
If you do choose to override the default and specify an IVR service, it’s up to
you to make sure that the IVR service you select is appropriate for the users
whose conferences will use this template, and that it’s available on the MCUs
on which those conference may take place. See your Polycom RMX
documentation for information about conference IVR services. This feature is
not supported on Cisco Codian MCUs.