Working in the Polycom DMA System Polycom
7000 System Overview
Polycom, Inc. 11
Field Input Requirements
While every effort was made to internationalize the Polycom DMA system, not
all system fields accept Unicode entries. If you work in a language other than
English, be aware that some fields accept only ASCII characters.
Settings Dialog Box
The Settings dialog box shows your user name and information about the
server you’re logged into. Click the button to the right of the menus to
display it.
In addition, you can change the text size used in the system interface and the
maximum number of columns in the Dashboard. Note that larger text sizes
will affect how much you can see in a given window or screen size and may
require frequent scrolling.
Polycom DMA System User Roles and Their Access Privileges
The Polycom DMA system has three system user roles (see “User Roles
Overview” on page 312) that provide access to the management and
operations interface and, if available, the separately licensed RealPresence
Platform Application Programming Interface (API). The functions you can
perform and parts of the interface or API resources you can access depend on
your user role or roles, as shown in the tables below.
Table 1-3 Management interface access privileges
Menu/Icon Admin Provisioner Auditor
Home. Returns to the Dashboard.
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Network >
Active Calls
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