
Preliminary/Postliminary Scripting Call Server Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 257
Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries
The Script Debugging dialog box lets you test a Javascript executable script
that you’ve added as preliminary to a dial rule or as a postliminary for an
external gatekeeper, SIP peer, SBC, or MCU. It lets you specify parameters of
a call and the dial string, and see what effect the script has on the dial string.
The following table describes the fields in the Script Debugging dialog box.
See also:
“Preliminary/Postliminary Scripting” on page 254
“Sample Preliminary and Postliminary Scripts” on page 258
Table 10-12 Script Debugging dialog box
Field Description
Dial string This is the DIAL_STRING variable in the script, which is
initially set to the dial string being evaluated. Enter a dial
string to test. Alternatively, provide the entire SIP
INVITE message. Then click Execute Script.
Note: For SIP, the script should always specify the
schema prefix (sip or sips). For instance:
DIAL_STRING = "sip:xxx@"
Caller site Select a site in order to set the first four caller variables.
Caller variables Lists variables that can be used in the script to
represent caller alias values. Enter an alias value to test
for that variable.
Final result Displays the outcome of running the script.
For a dial rule preliminary, if the script rejected the dial
string (skipping the dial rule action and passing it on to
the next dial rule), a message tells you so. Otherwise,
the transformed dial string is displayed.
Script output Displays any output produced by the script (e.g.,
Output SIP headers For an external SIP peer’s postliminary, displays the
headers produced by the script.