DMA Operations Guide Users
322 Polycom, Inc.
See also:
“Users” on page 314
“Select Associated Endpoints Dialog Box” on page 322
“Users Procedures” on page 333
“Conference Rooms Procedures” on page 335
Select Associated Endpoints Dialog Box
Conference Passcodes
Chairperson passcode The numeric passcode that identifies chairpersons in
the user’s conferences. If none, the user’s conferences
don’t include the chairperson feature.
Must contain numeric characters only (the digits 0-9)
and may be up to 16 digits long. Can’t be the same as
the conference passcode.
The passcode can also be set individually for each of
the user’s conference rooms.
Conference passcode The numeric passcode that callers must enter to join the
user’s conferences. If none, the user’s conferences
don’t require a passcode.
Must contain numeric characters only (the digits 0-9)
and may be up to 16 digits long. Can’t be the same as
the chairperson passcode.
The passcode can also be set individually for each of
the user’s conference rooms.
If Cisco (formerly Tandberg) Codian MCUs are included in the Polycom DMA
system’s pool of conferencing resources, don’t assign a chairperson passcode
without also assigning a conference passcode. If a conference with only one
passcode (either chairperson or conference) lands on a Codian MCU, all callers to
the conference must enter that passcode.
Table 12-4 Edit User dialog box (continued)
Field Description
If the Polycom DMA system is integrated with a Polycom RealPresence Resource
Manager or CMA system, it receives user-to-device association information from
that system, and you can only associate users with devices on the Polycom
RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system.