Rockwell Automation Publication 1412-UM001D-EN-P - September 2012 83
Specifications Appendix B
1000 Amp AC and
1400 Amp DC Current Probe
(Base Unit Accuracy Included)
Attribute 1412-PP2137-05
Nominal Range 1000 A AC 1400 A DC max
Measurement Range 10…1000 A AC max, 10…1300 A peak AC + DC
(1) Currents < 1 A AC/DC will be displayed as zero on the PowerPad unit with this probe.
Probe Output Signal 1 mV/A
Maximum Cable Diameter One 42 mm (1.6 in.) or two 25.4 mm
(0.98 in.) or two bus bars 50 x 5 mm
(1.96 x 0.19 in.)
Safety EN 61010-2, 600 V, Category III and/or 300V Cat IV,
Pollution Degree 2
Ambient temperature 18…28 °C (64…82 °F)
Humidity 20…75% of RH
Battery voltage 9V ±0.1V
Position of conductor in the sensor Centered
Magnetic field DC magnetic field
External magnetic field, ac None
External electric field None
Frequency 65 Hz
Type of signal measured Sinusoidal
Primary current 10…100 A 100…800 A 800…1000 A AC
800…1300 A Peak
Accuracy 1.5% + 1 ct 3% + 1ct 5% + 1 ct
Primary current 10…100 A 100…1000 A -
Phase angle 2.0° 15° -
Table 11 - Factors Affecting Accuracy (% of the Output Signal)
Conditions Range Error
Temperature 18…28 °C (64…82 °F) Zero: 2 A/°C
Scale: 300 ppm/°C or 0.3%/10 °C
Relative humidity 10 … 90% 0.5% of Reading
Battery voltage
6.5 … 10 V
Position of a 20 mm Ø 20 conductor DC at 440 Hz
DC at 1 Hz
DC at 2 Hz
DC at 5 Hz
< 0.5% of Reading
< 1 % of Reading
< 3% of Reading
< 10% of Reading
Live adjacent conductor 50 and 60 Hz < 10 mA/AAC (1 in from clamp)
External field 400 A/m < 1.3 A