
Rockwell Automation Publication 1412-UM001D-EN-P - September 2012 93
These are terms and symbols used throughout the manual.
Symbol Definition
F Frequency
Vrms Volts rms
Arms Amps rms
W Watts (Real Power)
PF Power Factor
Urms Volts (phase-to-phase rms)
Vthd Volts total harmonic distortion
Athd Amps total harmonic distortion
VARS VARS (Reactive Power)
DPF Displacement Power Factor
Uthd Volts total harmonic distortion (phase-to-
Vcf Volts Crest Factor
Acf Amps Crest Factor
VA Volt-Amps (Apparent Power)
Tan Tangent (Volt-Amp)
Ucf Volts Crest Factor (phase-to-phase)
Vunb Volts Unbalanced
Aunb Amps Unbalanced
PST Short term Flicker
Akf K Factor
Vh Harmonic Volt
Ah Harmonic Amps
3L Capture of each 3 phases
N Neutral current (calculated)
Sum of three-phase power capture
Average value of three-phase capture
3U Three Phases of Voltage (phase-to-phase)
3V Three Phases of Voltage (phase-to-neutral)
3A Three Phases of Current
4A Three Phases of Current including derived
neutral current
L1 Phase one of voltage (phase-to-neutral) plus