Using the Data Watch Window
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
PID Tuner
PID and PID2
Blocks Overview
PID and PID2 blocks are software programming blocks that allow a process tobe
controlled with no changes or additions to hardware. "PID" stands for "Proportional
Integral Derivative". While the PID2 is a more advanced version of the PID, both
operate in the same manner.
PID/PID2 Process
The PID calculation compares a process variable (PV) with a desired control point
called the set point (SP). The calculation uses the difference between the set point
and the process variable to adjust the PID output value (OV), sometimes called the
control variable. This output value is used to manipulate an input to the process so
that, eventually, the measured process variable equals the desired set point.
PID Tuner
The PID summary displays a list of all the PID and PID2 instructions in the logic of
the current project. Each row in the grid gives the instruction name, its location in
logic, and the addresses of key data values related to that PID block.
The currently selected row has an associated PID Faceplate. This faceplate allows
simple tuning of the selected PID block. You may invoke manual mode or adjust the
setpoint value.
Process Output
Process Input
Output Value (OP)
Set Point (SP)
Process Variable
Note: There may be a delay while a search is performed for PID instructions in