372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 277
Stopcode Error Analysis
Stopcode Error
Bit/Error reference:
Bit Error Description
0 (0001 Hex) Illegal Configuration Someone or something has probably been
modifying controller memory and the configuration is
not valid for this controller. The error may also be
caused by a bad memory board or Executive pack or
by inserting the wrong memory or executive into a
1 (0002 Hex) 984 A/B/X and 584 -
Backup Checksum
Information saved in a coil and register has been
corrupted. In order to recover the corrupted
information, the program must be reloaded. A bad
memory board may also cause this error.
1 (0002 Hex) 984 -80 Series (984
A/B/X - some
PROMS) Discrete
Disabled Error
Usually caused by trying to start the controller in the
optimized mode with discrete points that are
2 (0004 Hex) Logic Checksum
The calculated user logic checksum does not agree
with the stored checksum. It can be caused by an
illegal change of memory or by a bad memory board.
Try reloading the program. This error also occurs if
the ASCII area has been loaded incorrectly. If
reloading fails then try initializing the ASCII area. As
a last resort try replacing the memory board.
3 (0008 Hex) Invalid Node Type This error usually occurs when loading the
controller. It may be caused by loading or relocating
a program from a machine supporting a DX
instruction not supported or configured for in the
target machine, i.e. relocating a program with an
HSBY function block to a 984 not configured for an
HSBY. It may also be caused by loading a program
made on a 24 bit machine to a 16 bit machine i.e.,
specifying a constant greater than 999.