Working with Projects
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Step 1 - Select
Creation Method
Select a path to create a new project:
Path Description
Online to Controller This option sets up a project enough to go online to a controller.
The first step configures the parameters used to communicate
with the desired controller. This step encapsulates
communications setup; use of this step is identical to the Project
communications setup dialog. Click Next to display the Finish
step. Click Finish to go online to the desired controller.
Select Controller Type This step allows you to set up the controller type. For more
information, see Selecting a Controller Type, p. 31.
Base on Existing Project This option creates a project based on an existing project. First,
select an existing Project from the list of projects on the local
computer. ProWORX 32 creates a copy of the project and uses
it as the base for the new project. ProWORX 32 initializes the
logic and clears the traffic cop of the new project. ProWORX 32
then displays a communications setup step to configure
communications to the desired controller. On the finish step
click Finish to complete the new project creation.
Read from Controller This option creates a project based on a read of the program
from an existing controller. ProWORX 32 displays a
communications setup step to configure communications to the
desired controller. On the Finish step click Finish. ProWORX
32 reads the contents of the controller into a new default project.
Use as a Macro When selecting any offline options, you can click the Use as
Macro checkbox to create a macro-enabled database. For more
information, see Macros, p. 214.