Schneider Alliances
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Common control properties:
Using the Event
Editor Dialog
The event of a control is executed when the data value of the control changes. The
event script allows you to enter VB script code to manipulate controls. The event
script editor will do minor error checking for syntax mistakes. The gird has a unique
Initialize function which is executed when the form is opened. Using events you can
hide controls using the .visible property, enable and disable controls using .enabled
and many other standard VB functions.
After clicking the ellipsis box in the Event property of a control:
Property Description
Left The left-most part of the control in twips.
Note: For reference, there are 1440 twips per inch.
Top The topmost part of the control in twips.
Width The width of the control in twips.
Height The height of the control in twips.
Caption The text display related to the control.
Container The container is the object that the control is anchored to.
Note: You can anchor a control to either the form (pbEditor) or to any frame.
When a control is anchored to a frame, the controls positional variables (Left
and Top) are relative to the anchor, not to the form.
StartBit The first bit in a range of bits to edit.
EndBit The last bit in a range of bits to edit.
Word The word number you want to edit.
Note: To add a control that whose data value has no consequence to a word,
set the Word property to 0. The word list is 1-base.
Event This is a portion of script that will execute when the value of the control is
Step Action
1 Enter VB script code into the event window.
2 When finished, click OK to return to the script editor. Certain errors will be caught
by the event script editor and there will be an error message if any errors exist.
Certain errors will not be detected by the editor though and the I/O card’s script
will not be functional in the traffic cop.
To cancel your changes and return to the script editor, click Cancel.