372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Conditional Expressions, 160
Configuration Extensions
Compact Phase II, 104
Data Protect, 105
I/O Scanner, 108
I/O Scanner Wizard, 111
Overview, 102
Peer Cop, 113
Peer Cop Wizard, 118
Profibus, 121
Profibus Wizard, 122
Quantum Hot Standby, 106
Quantum VME Bus, 126
S980, 123
SY/MAX, 124
TCP/IP, 125
Configuring a BM85, 220
Configuring Controllers
ASCII Ports, 82
General Tab, 77
Loadables Tab, 83
Overview, 76
Ports Tab, 80
Simple ASCII Ports, 81
Contacting Schneider Electric, 26
Comparing, 226
Configuring Configuring Controllers, 76
Initializing Logic, 90
Manual Procedure List, 274
Pinging, 229
Reading From, 91
Selecting, 31
Start/Stop, 98
Status, 99
Writing to, 92
Script Editor, 252
Converting Ladder Logic Databases, 34
Data Protect Configuration Extension, 105
Data Watch Window
Clamps, 182
DRUM Summary, 205
General Properties, 181
HMI, 184
Importing and Exporting, 207
Instruction Editor, 193
Log Files, 182
Logic Editor Addresses, Tracking, 191
PID Tuner, 202
Radicies, 181
Radicies, Setting, 178
Register Editor, 201
Sample Rate, 183
Terminal Block, 193
Traffic Cop Addresses, Tracking, 192
Trend, 188
Triggers, 181
Watch Window, 177
Desriptor Ranges, Printing, 235
Diagnostic Trace, 148
Importing and Exporting, 55
Documentation Editor
Overview, 51
Using, 53
Documentation, Printing, 235
Drops, 165
DRUM Summary, 205
Emulation, 39
Adding Instruction Solve Support, 46
Emulation Tab, 39
Enable Contact, Setting, 155
Environment Tab, 19
Equation Networks
Enable Contact, Setting, 155
Equation Formatting, 156
Mathematical Functions, 161
Mathematical Operations, 158
Overview, 154