Working with Projects
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 47
Instruction Solve
File Function
Parameter Descriptions
Variable Description
Network The network number where instruction is located.
Row The row in logic where instruction is located.
Col The column in logic where instruction is located.
TopTyp The address type of the top node of the instruction (valid values: 0, 1, 3, 4, 8
for constants).
TopVal The address offset of the top node of the instruction (valid values: 0 - 65535).
TopLen The number of addresses the top node uses.
MidTyp The address type of the middle node of the instruction (valid values: 0, 1, 3,
4, 8 for constants).
MidVal The address offset of the middle node of the instruction (valid values: 0 -
MidLen The number of addresses the middle node uses.
BotTyp The address type of the bottom node of the instruction (valid values: 0, 1, 3,
4, 8 for constants).
BotVal The address offset of the bottom node of the instruction (valid values: 0 -
BotLen The number of addresses the bottom node uses.
UctrNum Used only for UCTR instructions.
DctrNum Used only for DCTR instructions.
Spare3 Spare parameter.
Note: All parameters must appear in the instruction subroutine declaration.