Working with Projects
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
The controller details available depends on the controller you have selected in the
previous step. Set the available controller details:
Click Next when you have set the controller details.
Controller Detail Description
Executive Cartridge Cartridges which determine the controller’s instruction set.
Select the one installed in your controller. The Executive
Cartridge is available for some 38x, 48x, 68x and Quantum
Memory Pack The amount of both Extended and User Logic memory in the
controller. Select the amount installed in your controller.
Available on a variety of x80 and 984 A/B controllers.
Extended Memory Additional memory providing 6xxxx registers. Select the
amount installed in your controller. Available on a variety of
x80 and 984 A/B controllers.
Built-in XMRD/XMWT Select Yes or No. The built-in extended memory functions
option is only available for the 984AS908.
User Logic Memory available for ladder logic. Select the amount of
memory you want to use for ladder logic from the total amount
available in your controller. Available on a variety of x80 and
984 A/B controllers.
S908 Size Select either 512 or 1024 (1k) input and output points per drop.
Available for most 68x and 78x controllers.
Micro I/O Mode Micro controllers only. Select:
Single: The controller is independent, not in a parent/child
Parent: The controller is the parent in a parent/child
Child: The controller is the child in a parent/child
Available for "Brick" controllers from the Micro 311/0 to the
Micro 612/4.