372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Machine Word 16 bits of data (two bytes). Also called a word.
Macro Generic pieces of logic networks that can be inserted into main logic databases. See
also Macro Parameter.
Macro Parameter A "placeholder" variable used in a macro. When inserted into a regular logic
database, each macro parameter is mapped to a real register address.
Master A networked device which controls the devices it connects to. Compare to Slave.
Memory The part of a computer or programmable controller which stores information for
Mismatch Tables Two printouts which show the differences between two sets of data; for example,
between descriptor records that have been entered for PLC addresses and
addresses that have actually been used in a program.
1) A memory aid.
2) A computer instruction with an abbreviated name that indicates its function. For
example, BLKM is used for the Block Move instruction.
A table in the configuration menu that lists the configuration of function key levels,
prompts, and instruction mnemonics.
Modbus Modicon’s RS-232C master-slave serial communications protocol.
Modbus Plus Modicon’s high-speed, peer-to-peer, token-ring communications protocol.
Modem Modulator/Demodulator. A communications device that allows a computer to
transmit information, usually over a standard telephone line.
Module An input/output card.
Motion Control
I/O Drop
Usually, an I/O drop tied to an ICC410, 3220, or 3240 motion control system.