372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Controller State
S908 Controller -
Word 65 Hex
(101 Decimal)
The Controller state word shows information pertaining to the state and size of the
controller. A state is any condition, which is either set for the life of the controller (16-
bit vs. 24-bit) or set by external events (memory protect). The upper bits have no
meaning for an 984/S908 or –80 -85 controllers. The AC power bit will always be on
or monitoring would not be possible. The down size flag indicates controllers with <
4K logic memory. Some Micro 984 controllers show a 0 for battery failed. The 16 bit
user logic bit indicates controllers that support 2048 references. (The 984B and the
780/785 are 24-bit controllers.)
S901 Controller -
Word 65 Hex
(101 Decimal)
The Controller state word shows information pertaining to the state and size of the
controller. A state is any condition that is either set for the life of the controller (16-
bit vs. 24-bit) or set by external events (memory protect). The AC power bit will
always be on or monitoring would not be possible. The down size flag indicates
controllers with < 4K logic memory. The 16-bit user logic bit indicates controllers that
support 2048 references. (The 984B and 584 Level 4 are 24-bit controllers.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 = Battery failed
1 = Memory protect OFF
1 = Run light OFF
1 = AC power ON
1 = Single sweep invoked
1 = Constant sweep invoked
1 = 16-bit user logic (Max 2048
reference system
D0 Reserved
D1 Set offline mode
D2 Set data exchange active
D3 Operating mode