Chapter 2 NAS Head 2-55
3. After setting any variables on the StorEdge, i.e. anytime the “set” command is
used, the command savevars must be entered at the command line in order for
the settings to persist though future server reboots.
CIFS/SMB share created to /cvol is not visible or accessible.
StorEdge does not allow the export of /cvol by default. The /cvol volume exists on
compact flash memory which is very space limited and contains sensitive operating
system files. This volume should only be accessed under while following
documented procedures or on the direct advice of technical support.
Also, the administrative share “c$” is created for administrator only access to /cvol.
Still, if it is necessary to create a user share, this is possible by modifying a variable
at the CLI.
1. To access the StorEdge CLI, connect to the StorEdge via Telnet, and type “admin”
at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.
2. At the CLI, enter “set system.export.bootdir yes”. This will allow access to shares
which point to /cvol.
Having problems with Outlook .pst files stored on the StorEdge.
Microsoft recommends against using .pst files for anything except local (on the
workstation), temporary mail storage. The recommended solution is either offline
storage files (.ost) or Windows Terminal Server. For additional information on these
solutions, and the reasoning behind them, please see document #297019 in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base.
Cannot access administrative shares in Workgroup mode.
Cannot create/remove shares via rmtshare in Workgroup mode.
These operations are normally allowed only to Domain Admin users. Since
Workgroup mode does not use access tokens, these actions are disabled for security
reasons. The following instructions explain how to enable these features in
Workgroup mode. Please note that this is extremely insecure, and not recommended
for any environment that requires CIFS/SMB security. It allows unrestricted access
to all data on the StorEdge for those who are aware of the hidden shares.
This functionality is only available at the StorEdge CLI (command line interface).
1. To access the StorEdge CLI, connect to the StorEdge via Telnet, and type “admin”
at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.