1-14 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
Proc filesystem
The /proc filesystem is a virtual filesystem used to collect system data. The location
of some of the more useful data is listed below. To collect the data, copy the file, or
use the “cat” CLI command to dump it to the screen while logging the terminal
These are user access tokens. They may be useful in troubleshooting SMB issues.
These file names begin with the domain name, then the username, then some
hexadecimal digits. The hexadecimal digits are a representation of the IP address,
which can be used to discern between multiple logins for a user. If you do not see
the user token that you need, it may be necessary to log the user off for thirty
seconds, and then back on in order to capture the token.
The currently connected domain, domain controller, and the IP address of the
domain controller.
A list of all trusted domains, their related SIDs, and the local machine and local
domain SIDs.
Network trace
A network trace can be very valuable towards diagnosing problems that involve
network communication. Set the trace to filter traffic between StorEdge, the client,
and any authentication server. In this case, it is usually best to use the StorEdge
built-in packet capture utility. StorEdge network capture utility
StorEdge includes a built-in network monitoring tool. This allows you to capture
packets from the network and save them to a file. This can be a valuable
troubleshooting tool.
To configure network monitoring, it must first be loaded at the StorEdge CLI.
1. To access the StorEdge CLI, connect to the StorEdge via Telnet or serial console,
and type “admin” at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.
2. At the CLI, enter “load netm”. Then type “menu” to configure capture and capture