2-136 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
The command line can be edited using the following key bindings. There is no
overwrite mode. Characters will always be inserted at the cursor position. [Ctrl] + t
can be used to display the key bindings at any time. The current command line will
be redisplayed following the key list.
From the command line:
The StorEdge supports standard keyboard functionality for command history. The
cursor movement keys can be used to select the following:
■ Previous commands (using up arrow).
■ Scroll forward through history (using down arrow).
■ Previous character (using left arrow).
■ Forward one character (using right arrow).
Full command list:
■ [Ctrl] + a (beginning-of-line) - Move to the start of the line
■ [Ctrl] + b (backward-char) - Move backward one character
■ [Ctrl] + c (abort-key) - Cancel current operation
■ [Ctrl] + d (delete) - Delete the character under the cursor
■ [Ctrl] + e (end-of-line) - Move to the end of the line
■ [Ctrl] + f (forward-char) - Move forward one character
■ [Ctrl] + g (abort-key) - Cancel current operation
■ [Ctrl] + h (rubout) - Delete the character behind the cursor
■ [Ctrl] + i (Tab) - File completion
■ [Ctrl] + j (Enter) - Execute command
■ [Ctrl] + k (kill-end-of-line) - Kill to the end of the line
■ [Ctrl] + l (refresh-line) - Redisplay the line
■ [Ctrl] + n (next-line) - Move down to the next line
■ [Ctrl] + p (prev-line) - Move up to the previous line
■ [Ctrl] + r (backward-word) - Move backward one word
■ [Ctrl] + t (help) - Display CLI key help
■ [Ctrl] + u (kill-line) - Kill entire line
■ [Ctrl] + w (forward-word) - Move forward one word
The Tab key ([Ctrl] + i) performs file name completion. If there is a single match the
path will be updated. If the matching object is a directory a / will be appended,
otherwise a space will be appended. If there are multiple potential matches a list will
be displayed and the command line will be redisplayed.