Chapter 2 NAS Head 2-151
4. Select option "1", "Edit fields."
5. Navigate through the fields with [Tab] or [Enter] until the "Role" field of the NIC
that will be used for mirror is highlighted.
6. Select option "4", "Mirror" to change the role to mirror.
To create Host File (both systems), do the following:
1. From the main menu, enter "F", "Hosts".
2. Create a new host entry for the mirror interface selected above. For each system,
choose a name similar to the hostname, such as, "host-M." For these host entries,
use the IP address assigned to the NIC with the mirror role.
3. Select option "7", "Save Changes".
To activate Mirror License (both systems), do the following:
1. From the main menu, select option "4", "Licenses" to input a license key.
2. Select option "A", "replicating" under features.
3. Input the replicating key.
It must be exact and is case sensitive
The StorEdge operating system verifies that the key is correct and provides the
expiration date.
4. Select option "7", "Save changes."
After all configurations steps have been completed on both systems start the mirror.
To start the mirror (Source System), do the following:
1. Access the StorEdge via Telnet, serial console, or keyboard console.
2. Press [Enter] at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.
3. Press the spacebar until "Mirrors" is displayed under "Extensions" at the lower
4. Select the letter corresponding to "Mirrors".
5. Select option "8", "Add Mirror".
6. Enter letter associated with the volume to be replicating.
7. Enter target host name in the host name field.
8. The IP address should auto fill, verify that it is correct.