Chapter 2 NAS Head 2-29 BIOS Recovery Beep Codes
In rare cases, when the system BIOS has been corrupted, a BIOS recovery process
must be followed to restore system operability. During recovery mode, the video
controller is not initialized. One high-pitched beep announces the start of the
recovery process. The entire process takes two to four minutes. A successful update
ends with two high-pitched beeps. In the event of a failure, two short beeps are
generated and a flash code sequence of 0E9h, 0EAh, 0EBh, 0ECh, and 0EFh appears
at the Port 80 diagnostic LEDs (see Table 2-14 on page 2-30).
TABLE 2-13 Memory 3-Beep and LED POST Error Codes
Beep Code
Debug Port
80h Error
Diagnostic LED Decoder
(G = green, R = red, A = amber) Meaning
3 00h Off Off Off Off No memory was found in the system
3 01h Off Off Off G Memory mixed type detected
3 02h Off Off G Off EDO is not supported
3 03h Off Off G G First row memory test failure
3 04h Off G Off Off Mismatched DIMMs in a row
3 05h Off G Off G Base memory test failure
3 06h Off G G Off Failure on decompressing post
3 07h Off G G G Generic memory error
G Off Off Off
09h G Off Off G
0Bh G Off G G
0Dh G G Off G
3 0Eh G G G Off SMBUS protocol error
3 0Fh G G G G Generic memory error