Chapter 2 NAS Head 2-35
84h R G Off Off Check stuck key enable keyboard: the keyboard controller
interface test is complete. Writing the command byte and
initializing the circular buffer next.
86h R G G Off Disable parity NMI: the command byte was written and global
data initialization has completed. Checking for a locked key next.
88h A Off Off Off Display USB devices.
8Ah A Off G Off Verify RAM size: Checking for a memory size mismatch with
CMOS RAM data next.
8Ch A G Off Off Lock out PS/2 keyboard/mouse if unattended start is enabled.
8Eh A G G Off Initialize boot devices: the adapter ROM had control and has now
returned control to the BIOS POST. Performing any required
processing after the option ROM returned control.
90h R Off Off R Display IDE mass storage devices.
92h R Off G R Display USB mass storage devices.
94h R G Off R Report the first set of POST errors to Error Manager.
96h R G G R Boot password check: the password was checked. Performing any
required programming before Setup next.
98h A Off Off R Float processor initialize: performing any required initialization
before the coprocessor test next.
9Ah A Off G R Enable Interrupts 0, 1, 2: checking the extended keyboard,
keyboard ID, and NUM Lock key next. Issuing the keyboard ID
command next.
9Ch A G Off R Initialize FDD devices. Report second set of POST errors to error
9Eh A G G R Extended background memory test end.
A0h R Off R Off Prepare and run setup: Error manager displays and logs POST
errors. Waits for user input for certain errors. Execute setup.
A2h R Off A Off Set base expansion memory size.
A4h R G R Off Program chipset setup options, build ACPI Tables, and build
INT15h E820h table.
A6h R G A Off Set display mode.
A8h A Off R Off Build SMBIOS table and MP tables.
AAh A Off A Off Clear video screen.
TABLE 2-16 POST Progress LED Code Table (Port 80h Codes) (Continued)
Diagnostic LED Decoder
(G = green, R = red, A = amber) Description