1-10 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
This functionality is also available through the StorEdge Web Admin. To access these
settings, log in, and click the envelope icon on the top taskbar. All of the options
described above are available.
1.6.2 Data Collection for Escalations Collecting Information from the Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS
The following are important considerations for data collection. Data collection is
critical in cases that require escalation. We should always collect as much data as
needed to resolve the worst-case scenario, in order to be able to resolve all scenarios.
The worst-case scenario in this case, is that the issue has never before been seen, and
we’ll need to recreate the problem in the lab. To do this, we’ll need to know about
the client systems, the workload, the network, and so on. Accurately quantify the problem
First, the problem must be quantified. We have identified a negative behavior of
some type. We must precisely identify the scope of the problem and all possible
details in order to resolve the issue. For example, if the StorEdge has a performance
issue, we must exactly measure the performance, identify which problems exhibit
the problem, and determine under what circumstances the problem occurs. Collect general data
The first part of the data collection is to collect information that will be useful in
every case. Much of this is contained in the StorEdge system diagnostics. From the
diagnostics, we can see the StorEdge OS version, internal settings, recent log activity,
and more. It is very important to generate the diagnostics during or immediately
after the manifestation of the problem. Otherwise, the log and statistics will not
show any data on the failure. Always collect a diagnostic email when escalating
You should also collect any error messages generated by this problem, and any steps
already taken in the attempt to resolve the problem, and the results obtained. Collect specific data
Based on the above data, additional information may be required. This document
will help you to tailor this data collection. Here are some examples: