Chapter 2 NAS Head 2-125
Note – This screen provides access to the host group @general, which by default
includes everyone who can reach the StorEdge. To provide NFS access in a more
limited and secure way, see the following FAQs:
How do I authorize a trusted host?
How do I authorize an entire subnet as trusted hosts?
How do I manage NFS exports via the StorEdge Web Admin?
How do I manage NFS exports via the configuration files?
How do I authorize a trusted host?
Authorizing trusted hosts allows unrestricted access to all files and folders on the
StorEdge via NFS for particular IP addresses.
1. To access this functionality, access the StorEdge via Telnet or serial console.
2. Press [Enter] at the [menu] prompt and enter the administrator password.
3. Select option “F”, “Hosts”.
A list of the currently configured hosts is displayed. If the host you wish to add to
the trusted list is not present, type the hostname, then the [Enter] key to add host,
then “7” to save changes. You will then be prompted for the IP address of the host.
If you are using NIS or NIS+ to resolve hosts, then disregard this section and move
on to the next step.
4. Select option “M”, “Trusted Hosts”.
Type the hostname you wish to add to the trusted host list. Select “7” to add it to the
list. This setting will take effect for all subsequent NFS mounts. Currently connected
users will need to disconnect, and then remount.
This functionality is also available through the StorEdge Web Admin.
1. To use the Web Admin, connect with a Web browser to http://<hostname or IP
address of your StorEdge>.
2. Click “Grant” or “Yes” to accept any Java software authorization windows and
you will reach the login screen.
3. Type the administrator password to access the administration interface.
4. Navigate to Unix Configuration/Configure NFS/Configure Exports.
5. Click the add button to add a host, double click an existing host to edit the
address or change whether the host is trusted or not.
6. Check or clear the checkbox in the pop-up window to add or remove them from
the trusted host list.