FIGURE 4-2 Write ordering on the Mirror 5
FIGURE 4-3 Lost transaction handling on the Mirror 6
FIGURE 4-4 The Mirror Log and Primary Journal 7
FIGURE 6-1 Physical and Logical Volume Relationship 2
FIGURE 6-2 The Copy-On-Write Mechanism for Checkpoints 4
FIGURE 6-3 Mappings for Block n Before Modification 5
FIGURE 6-4 Mappings for Block n After Modification 6
FIGURE 6-5 Creating a hardlink when a volume is checkpointed and has active checkpoints 8
FIGURE 6-6 Mappings for Block n After Deleting ckpti-1 10
FIGURE 6-7 After Deleting ckpti+1. 10
FIGURE 6-8 Accessing .chkpnt in UNIX 13
FIGURE 6-9 Accessing ".chkpnt" in Windows Explorer 15
FIGURE 6-10 Viewing ".chkpnt" in Windows Explorer 16
FIGURE 6-11 Sharing Blocks Between Live and Checkpoint File Systems 17
FIGURE 6-12 Windows File Copy Error Message During a Checkpoint Restore Operation 19
FIGURE 6-13 Windows Excel Open Error Message During a Checkpoint Restore Operation 19
FIGURE 7-1 Removing the Cover 3
FIGURE 7-2 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Bezel Replacement 5
FIGURE 7-3 Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Expansion Unit 6
FIGURE 7-4 Replacing the Power Supply 8
FIGURE 7-5 Removing the Fan Module 10
FIGURE 7-6 The Gigabit Ethernet Card in the Low Profile Riser Slot 14
FIGURE 7-7 Connecting the LCD Display 18
FIGURE 7-8 The Flash Disk 20
FIGURE 7-9 Removing an SFP Transceiver and fibre Optic Cable 25
FIGURE 7-10 Removing and Replacing a Controller 25
FIGURE 7-11 Removing the Controller Cover (Upside Down View) 26
FIGURE 7-12 Replacing the Controller Battery 27
FIGURE 7-13 Label Locations for the Controller 28
FIGURE 7-14 Controller Host Link, Drive Link, and Fault Lights 29