Sizing and Scaling Your Server
This chapter examines the subsystems of your server, and provides recommendations for
optimal performance. The chapter includes the following topics:
“64-Bit Server” on page 101
“Processors” on page 101
“Memory” on page 102
“Drive Space” on page 102
“Networking” on page 102
64-Bit Server
The 64–bit server, available on Solaris SPARC and AMD64 platforms only, is more scalable
than the 32–bit version. You can use the 64–bit server if your system has more than 4 GB of
RAM. Some of the advantages which the 64–bit server has over the 32–bit server are:
More le cache for static content
Many simultaneous servlet sessions because of the 64–bit JVM
On Solaris and Windows, Web Server transparently takes advantage of multiple CPUs. In
general, the eectiveness of multiple CPUs varies with the operating system and the workload.
Dynamic content performance improves as more processors are added to the system. Because
static content involves mostly IO, and more primary memory means more caching of the
content (assuming the server is tuned to take advantage of the memory), more time is spent in
IO rather than CPU activity.