
JDBC Resource Statistics Not Available in the Admin Console
Some JDBC statistics are available through the wadm get-config-stats command (using the
--node option), through stats-xml, and through SNMP but not through the Admin Console.
maxConnections The congured maximum size of the pool. Use as a reference for other
statistics. To change the maximum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin
Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Maximum Connections eld. To change the
JDBC resource's maximum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm
set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the max-connections property.
peakConnections The highest number of connections that have been leased concurrently
during the history of the pool. This number is a good indication on the upper limit on pool
usage. It is limited by the maximum connections setting.
countTotalLeasedConnections – The total number of times a connection has been handed out
by the pool. Indicates total pool activity. Not tunable.
countTotalFailedValidationConnections – If connection validation is enabled, shows the
number of times a connection has been detected as invalid by the pool. If this number is
relatively high, it could signal database or network problems. Not tunable.
peakQueued – The highest number of connection requests that have been queued
simultaneously at any time during the lifetime of the pool. Not tunable.
millisecondsPeakWait – The maximum time in milliseconds that any connection request has
been in the wait queue. A high number is an indication of high pool activity. The upper limit is
the JDBC resource setting wait timeout.
countConnectionIdleTimeouts – The number of free connections that have been closed by the
pool because they exceeded the congured JDBC idle timeout. To change the idle timeout for a
JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Idle
Timeout eld. To change the JDBC resource's idle timeout through the
command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the idle-timeout
JDBC Resource Connection Settings
Depending on your application’s database activity, you might need to size JDBC resource
connection pool settings. Attributes of a JDBC resource which aect performance are listed
below, along with performance considerations when setting values.
Minimum connections
The size the pool tends to keep during the life of the server instance. Also the initial size of
the pool. Defaults to 8. This number should be as close as possible to the expected average
size of the pool. Use a high number for a pool that is expected to be under heavy load, to
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
Chapter2 • TuningSunJavaSystemWebServer 75