Performance Tests and Results
This section contains the test-specic conguration, tuning, and results for the following tests:
“Static Content Test” on page 108
“Dynamic Content Test: Servlet” on page 110
“Dynamic Content Test: C CGI” on page 111
“Dynamic Content Test: Perl CGI” on page 113
“Dynamic Content Test: NSAPI” on page 114
“PHP Scalability Tests” on page 115
“SSL Performance Test: Static Content” on page 118
“SSL Performance Test: Perl CGI” on page 119
“SSL Performance Test: C CGI” on page 120
“SSL Performance Test: NSAPI” on page 121
“E-Commerce Web Application Test” on page 122
The following metrics were used to characterize performance:
Operations per second (ops/sec) = successful transactions per second
Response time for single transaction (round-trip time) in milliseconds
The performance and scalability diagrams show throughput (ops/sec) against the number of
cores enabled on the system.
Static Content Test
This test was performed with a static download of a randomly selected le from a pool of 10,000
directories, each containing 36 les ranging in size from 1KB to 1000 KB. The goal of the static
content test was to saturate the cores and nd out the respective throughput and response time.
This test used the following conguration:
Static les were created on striped disk array (Sun StorEdge 3510).
Multiple network interfaces were congured.
Web Server was congured with 64 bit.
File-cache was enabled with the tuning settings described in the following table.
PerformanceTests andResults
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •108