
Performance Tests and Results
This section contains the test-specic conguration, tuning, and results for the following tests:
“Static Content Test” on page 108
“Dynamic Content Test: Servlet” on page 110
“Dynamic Content Test: C CGI” on page 111
“Dynamic Content Test: Perl CGI” on page 113
“Dynamic Content Test: NSAPI” on page 114
“PHP Scalability Tests” on page 115
“SSL Performance Test: Static Content” on page 118
“SSL Performance Test: Perl CGI” on page 119
“SSL Performance Test: C CGI” on page 120
“SSL Performance Test: NSAPI” on page 121
“E-Commerce Web Application Test” on page 122
The following metrics were used to characterize performance:
Operations per second (ops/sec) = successful transactions per second
Response time for single transaction (round-trip time) in milliseconds
The performance and scalability diagrams show throughput (ops/sec) against the number of
cores enabled on the system.
Static Content Test
This test was performed with a static download of a randomly selected le from a pool of 10,000
directories, each containing 36 les ranging in size from 1KB to 1000 KB. The goal of the static
content test was to saturate the cores and nd out the respective throughput and response time.
This test used the following conguration:
Static les were created on striped disk array (Sun StorEdge 3510).
Multiple network interfaces were congured.
Web Server was congured with 64 bit.
File-cache was enabled with the tuning settings described in the following table.
PerformanceTests andResults
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide 108