Higher hit ratios result in better performance. To maximize the hit ratio, see the tuning
information for
“Acceleratable Responses” on page 61.
File Cache Enabled
If the cache is disabled, the rest of this section is not displayed in perdump. In the Admin
Console, the File Cache Statistics section shows zeros for the values.
The cache is enabled by default. You can disable it in the Admin Console by deselecting the File
Cache Enabled box on the conguration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache sub tab, under File Cache.
To disable it using the command-line-interface, use wadm set-file-cache-prop and set the
enabled property to false.
File Cache Entries
The number of current cache entries and the maximum number of cache entries are both
displayed in perfdump. In the Admin Console, they are called the Number of Entries and the
Maximum Cache Size. A single cache entry represents a single URI.
You can set the maximum number of cached entries in the Admin Console in the Maximum
Entries eld on the conguration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache tab, under File Cache. In the
command-line interface, use wadm set-file-cache-prop and set the max-entries property.
The default is 1024. The range of values is 1-1048576.
File Cache Hit Ratio (Cache Hits / Cache Lookups)
The hit ratio available through perfdump gives you the number of le cache hits compared to
cache lookups. Numbers approaching 100% indicate that the le cache is operating eectively,
while numbers approaching 0% could indicate that the le cache is not serving many requests.
To gure this number yourself using the statistics provided through the Admin Console, divide
the Total Cache Hits by the sum of the Total Cache Hits and the Total Cache Misses.
This setting is not tunable.
Maximum Age
This eld displays the maximum age of a valid cache entry. The parameter controls how long
cached information is used after a le has been cached. An entry older than the maximum age is
replaced by a new entry for the same le.
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •62