Java ES monitoring console, 37
Java heap tuning, 71
Java HotSpot VM, 71
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, 86
Java Security Manager, conguring, 79
Java VM heap space, 86
Java web applications, tuning performance, 78-81
JDBC connection pooling, improving application
performance, 73
JDBC resources, 72-77
connection settings, 75-77
connections, 74
free connections, 74
idle timeout, 75
leased connections, 74
maxConnections, 75
peakConnections, 75
queued connections, 74
statistics in Admin Console, 73-74
validation method, 76
jsp-cong, 78
JVM, 70-71
Java heap tuning, 71
keep-alive, 53-57
connections ushed, 87-88
count, 54-55, 87
ushes, 55, 87
hits, 55, 87
maximum connections, 54, 87
maximum number of connections, 55
poll interval, 56
refusals, 55
threads, 56
timeout, 54
timeouts, 55
KernalThreads directive, 42
LateInit, 81
LDAP server, and ACL user cache, 77
leased connections, in JDBC resources, 74
listen socket, statistics, 51
load driver, for studies, 105
load-modules function, 43
log le modes, 88
verbose, 88
long service times, 93-94
low latency mode, 41
low-memory problems, 86
connection-handling directives, 42
init-cgi, multi-process mode, 81
manager-properties properties, 81
max-groups-per-user, ACL user cache, 78
max-users, ACL user cache, 77
maximum age, le cache, 62-63
maximum connections, JDBC resource, 76
maximum heap size, 63
maximum threads, 45, 58, 86
and NativePoolQueueSize, 67
and SNCA, 92
too few threads, 86
maxLocks, tuning, 80
MaxProcs, 45
maxSessions, 80
memory, sizing issues, 102
memory requirements, 102
meta-data validation method, 76
minimum connections, JDBC resource, 75
MMapSessionManager, tuning, 81
log le, 88
multi-process, 44-46
single-process, 44
monitoring server performance
comparison of methods, 22
methods with least impact, 22
overview, 19-37