Number of Invocations is the total number of times that the function was invoked. This
diers from the number of requests in that a function could be called multiple times while
processing one request. The percentage column for this row is calculated in reference to the
total number of invocations for all of the buckets.
Latency is the time in seconds that Web Server takes to prepare for calling the function.
Function Processing Time is the time in seconds that Web Server spent inside the function.
The percentage of Function Processing Time and Total Response Time is calculated with
reference to the total Request Processing Time.
Total Response Time is the sum in seconds of Function Processing Time and Latency.
The following is an example of the performance bucket information available through
Performance Counters:
Average Total Percent
Total number of requests: 62647125
Request processing time: 0.0343 2147687.2500
default-bucket (Default bucket)
Number of Requests: 62647125 (100.00%)
Number of Invocations: 3374170785 (100.00%)
Latency: 0.0008 47998.2500 ( 2.23%)
Function Processing Time: 0.0335 2099689.0000 ( 97.77%)
Total Response Time: 0.0343 2147687.2500 (100.00%)
Monitoring Current Activity Using the Java ES
Monitoring Console
The statistics available through the Web Server Admin Console and the command-line
interface are also available through the Java ES Monitoring Console. Though the information is
the same, it is presented in a dierent format, using the Common Monitoring Data Model
(CMM). Though this guide covers monitoring using tools available in the Web Server, you
could also monitor your server using the Java ES monitoring tools. For more information on
using the Java ES monitoring tools, see Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Monitoring Guide. Use the
same settings to tune the server, regardless of the what monitoring method you are using.
Chapter1 • Performanceand MonitoringOverview 37