Adjust gradually
When adjusting a quantitative parameter, make several stepwise changes in succession,
rather than trying to make a drastic change all at once. Dierent systems face dierent
circumstances, and you might leap right past your system’s best setting if you change the
value too rapidly.
Start fresh
At each major system change, be it a hardware or software upgrade or deployment of a
major new application, review all previous adjustments to see whether they still apply. After
a Solaris upgrade, you should start over with an unmodied /etc/system le.
Stay informed
Read the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Release Notes and the release notes for
your operating system whenever you upgrade your system. The release notes often provide
updated information about specic adjustments.
Understanding Threads, Processes, and Connections
Before tuning your server, you should understand the connection-handling process in Web
Server. This section includes the following topics:
“Connection-Handling Overview” on page 40
“Custom Thread Pools” on page 42
“The Native Thread Pool” on page 43
“Process Modes” on page 44
Connection-Handling Overview
In Web Server, acceptor threads on a listen socket accept connections and put them into a
connection queue. Request processing threads in a thread pool then pick up connections from
the queue and service the requests.
Web Server
Thread Pool
FIGURE2–1 WebServer Connection Handling
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •40