servers the goal might be to provide a targeted level of performance at dierent price points.
You need to dene what performance means for your particular situation.
Here are some areas to consider:
The number of peak concurrent users
Security requirements
Encrypting your Web Server’s data streams with SSL makes an enormous dierence to your
site’s credibility for electronic commerce and other security conscious applications, but it
can also seriously impact your CPU load. For more information, see
“SSL Performance” on
page 21
The size of the document tree
Dynamic or static content
The content you serve aects your server’s performance. A Web Server delivering mostly
static HTML can run much faster than a server that must execute CGIs for every query.
Certain tuning parameters are set at the conguration level, so that every server instance that is
based on the conguration has the same tuning information. In addition, some monitoring
information is available at the conguration level, so you can monitor the performance of all
instances based on the conguration. However, the bulk of the monitoring information is
available at the individual server instance, or virtual server level. If you are using a single Web
Server instance per conguration (your server is not part of a server farm), the
conguration-level statistics show the information for the single server instance based on that
Virtual Servers
Virtual servers add another layer to the performance improvement process. Certain settings are
tunable for the conguration, while others are based on an individual virtual server.
You can also use the quality of service (QoS) features to set resource utilization constraints for
an individual virtual server. For example, you can use QoS features to limit the amount of
bandwidth and the number of connections allowed for a virtual server. You can set these
performance limits, track them, and optionally enforce them.
For more information about using the quality of service features, see Sun Java System Web
Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Guide.
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •20