JVM tuning:
-server -Xmx1500m -Xms1500m -Xss128k -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
E-commerce Application Description
The test models an e-commerce web site that sells items from a large inventory. It uses the
standard web application model-view-controller design pattern for its implementation: the user
interface (that is, the view) is handled by 16 dierent JSP pages which interface with a single
master control servlet. The servlet maintains JDBC connections to the database, which serves as
the model and handles 27 dierent queries. The JSP pages make extensive use of JSP tag
libraries and comprise almost 2000 lines of logic.
Database Cardinality
The database contains 1000 orderable items (which have two related tables which also have a
cardinality of 1000), 72000 customers (with two related tables), and 1.9 million orders (with two
related tables). Standard JDBC connections handle database connection using prepared
statements and following standard JDBC design principles.
A randomly-selected user performs the online shopping. The following operations were used in
the Matrix mix workload (operations were carried out with precedence of operations): Home,
AdminConrm, AdminRequest, BestSellers, BuyConrm, BuyRequest, CustomerRegistration,
NewProducts, OrderDisplay, OrderInquiry, ProductDetail, SearchRequest, SearchResults, and
The Faban driver was used to drive the load. Think time was chosen from a negative
exponential distribution. The minimum think time was 7.5 seconds, the maximum was 75
seconds. The maximum number of concurrent users that the system can support was based on
the following passing criteria.
TABLE6–20 PerformanceTest Pass Criteria
Transaction 90thPercentileResponseTime(Seconds)
HomeStart 3
AdminConrm 20
AdminRequest 3
BestSellers 5
BuyConrm 5
PerformanceTests andResults
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •124