TRACe Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
The command form downloads waveforms or other data to the waveform
analyzer. The query form uploads acquisition records or measurement results
from the waveform analyzer to your VXIbus controller.
TRACe sends the data and preamble (offset, scale, and other information) to the
waveform analyzer. The data must be in a DIF (Data Interchange Format) to be
accepted by the waveform analyzer.
Normally, you send both data and preamble, but you can send just the data or
preamble block in your DIF block; if you do so, the rules described in Table 2–5
Table 2–5: Rules for Downloads
Download contains: Destination REF exists
Destination REF doesn’t
Preamble block and data Overwrites existing preamble
Overwrites existing data
Writes new preamble
Writes new data
Preamble block, no data Overwrites existing preamble
Restructures existing data
based on new preamble
Writes new preamble
Creates new data values initi-
ated to zero
No preamble, data only Existing preamble has size
(only) adjusted to fit incoming
Overwrites existing data
Creates preamble with default
scale (1.0), offset (0.0), and
size (adjusted to fit incoming
Writes new data
Size of existing reference trace will be truncated or zero-padded as necessary to
match incoming preamble.
TRACe? returns the data in the format you specify. You set the data format for
acquisition records and measurement results using the FORMat subsystem
described on page 2–93. The query does not return data until pending acquisi-
tions or calculations complete; therefore, the synchronizing commands *WAI,
*OPC, and *OPC? are not required.
Single data records are returned unless auto-advance is on, in which case, the
AADVance:RECord:STARt and :COUNt commands determine which and how
many records are returned. This command returns raw data only; see the
TRACe[:DATA]:PREamble? query to obtain scale and offset information.
Note the following points about data sources: