TRACe Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
H Channels. The [SENSe:]DATA commands provide equivalent functions to
the commands in the TRACe subsystem and there are fixed feeds between
the SENSe and TRACe subsystems. [SENSe:]DATA? ”XTIM:VOLT 1” is
equivalent to TRAC? CHAN1. The feed control for CHAN1..4 is set to
ALWays (always enabled).
[:DATA] is not accepted as a default node under DATA because the
definition of [SENSe:]DATA? and DATA[:DATA]? would be ambiguous.
H CALC blocks. The CALC:DATA commands provide equivalent functions to
the commands in the TRACe subsystem and there are fixed feed between the
CALC and TRACE subsystems. CALC1:DATA? is equivalent to TRAC?
CALC1. The feed control for CALC1..4 is set to ALWays (always enabled).
H AATS. The source AATS is the Auto Advance Time Stamp record. The
record contains a sequence of times in seconds, from t
to tn, between
auto-advance records. The value t
is the record specified with the
AADV:REC:STAR command. Set the format of the AATS record to ASCII
or 32 bit REAL numbers with the command FORM:TRAC:AATS. FDC
transfers are binary only. The feed control for AATS is always enabled.
H References. REF1..10 are reference waveform records. There are no sense
functions associated with these trace names, so there are no [SENSe:]DATA
command equivalents.
For more information on uploading and downloading, refer to the waveform I/O
discussion in the TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers User Manual.
TRACe[:DATA] <destination>,(<block> | <dif_expression> |
TRACe[:DATA]? <source>
DATA:DATA <destination>,(<block> | <dif_expression> |
DATA:DATA? <source>
<source> Query response
REF1 .. REF10
Not applicable