Appendix C: Algorithms
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Timing measurement. The time relative to the trigger point at which the
negative-going crossing that you specify occurs. The NCROSs measurement
searches for the N
occurrence of an edge; during the search it counts only
negative edges.
1. Searching from Start to End of waveform record, find the first negative-
going transition through MREF (middle reference).
2. Continue the search process until the N
negative-going crossing is found
(user specifies N using the CALCulate:WMParameter:EDGE command).
3. NCross = Time@ncrossing, whereTime@trigger = 0.
Pretrigger crossings return negative times; posttrigger crossings return
positive times.
Positive values for N force the search at the start of the waveform record;
Negative values and zero, at the end (zero designates the last crossing, ā1 the
next to the last crossing, and so on in the waveform record).