Appendix C: Algorithms
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
MCross1Polarity is the polarity of first crossing (no default). It can be rising or
StartCycle is the starting time for cycle measurements. It is a floating-point
number with values between 0.0 and (RecordLength – 1.0), inclusive.
StartCycle = MCross1
EndCycle is the ending time for cycle measurements. It is a floating-point
number with values between 0.0 and (RecordLength – 1.0), inclusive.
EndCycle = MCross3
MidRef + (Hysteresis x Amplitude)
MidRef – (Hysteresis x Amplitude)
Figure C–1: MCross Calculations
Waveform[<0.0 ... RecordLength–1.0>] — holds the acquired data.
Measurement Zone and Edge Selection
The waveform analyzer can take measurements over the entire waveform or over
a user-specified measurement zone. Some measurements also require that the
user specify the waveform edge to be measured. Usage of the commands needed
to specify zoned (also called gated) measurements is discussed in the section
Measurements in chapter 3. This section briefly describes each zoned measure-
ments and waveform edge selection.
The CALCulate<n>:WMParameter:GATE commands control whether zoned
measurements are on or off:
H When CALC<n>:WMP:GATE is set to ON, measurements are taken within a
measurement zone defined using other parameters to the :GATE commands.
Zoned Measurements