Command Syntax
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
This manual may describe commands and queries using the Backus-Naur Form
(BNF) notation. Table 1–2 defines the standard BNF symbols:
Table 1–2: BNF symbols and meanings
Symbol Meaning
<ą> Defined element
::= Is defined as
| Exclusive OR
{ą} Group; one element is required
[ą] Optional; can be omitted
.ă.Ă. Previous element(s) may be repeated
(ą) Comment
This manual uses <EOM> (End of message) to represent a message terminator.
Symbol Meaning
<EOM> Message terminator
The end-of-message terminator may be the END message (EOI asserted
concurrently with the last data byte), the ASCII code for line feed (LF) sent as
the last data byte, or both. The waveform analyzer always terminates messages
with LF and EOI. It allows white space before the terminator.
Constructed Mnemonics
Some header mnemonics specify one of a range of mnemonics. For example, a
channel mnemonic can be either INP1, INP2, INP3, or INP4. You use these
mnemonics in the command just as you do any other mnemonic. For example,
there is a INP1:FILT command, and there is also an INP2:FILT command. In the
command descriptions, this list of choices is abbreviated as INP<n>.
Backus-Naur Form
Message Terminators