CALCulate Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Sets or queries the list of waveform measurements to perform. Table 2–1 lists
and describes the available measurements. All selected measurements are
performed on the source chosen for the selected CALCulate block. Use the
command CALCulate:WMList:STATe to enable the measurements. Refer to
Appendix C for the measurement algorithms.
Measurement methods and reference values are specified by CALC:WMParame-
ter commands. Each CALC block has a separate set of parameters.
Table 2–1: Waveform Measurement Definitions
Measurement Definition
AMPLitude Amplitude — the difference between HIGH and LOW. Current vertical
AREA Area — the area across the entire acquisition record. Area above
ground is positive and area below ground is negative. Current vertical
CARea Cycle Area — the area across the first cycle of the acquisition record.
Area above ground is positive; area below ground is negative. Current
vertical units-seconds.
CMEan Cycle Mean — the arithmetic mean of the first cycle in the acquisition
record. Current vertical units.
Center Of Pulse — the arithmetic mean time of the six LREFerence,
MREFerence, and HREFerence values for both the rising and falling
edge of a pulse. Units are seconds.
Positive Area of Cycle — the arithmetic area of the absolute value of
the waveform over the first cycle of the waveform. Current vertical
CRMS Cycle RMS — the root-mean-square value for the deviation from
ground of each point in the first cycle of the acquisition record. Current
vertical units.
CROSs Time at Crossing — the time relative to the trigger point of the specified
crossing. The crossing is specified according to its sequence in the
waveform record as an Nth crossing, with positive values for N
referenced from the start and negative values referenced from the end
of the waveform record. Units are seconds.
DELay Delay — the time between the MidRef crossing on the specified edge
of a reference waveform and the MidRef crossing on the specified edge
a target waveform. Units are seconds.
FREQuency Frequency — the reciprocal of the period of the first cycle in the
acquisition record. Measured in Hz.