Appendix C: Algorithms
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
The arithmetic area of one waveform or of its measurement zone. Remember that
one waveform is not necessarily equal to one cycle. For cyclical data you may
prefer to use the cycle area rather than the arithmetic area.
if Start = End then return the (interpolated) value at Start.
For details of the integration algorithm, see page C–17.
Center-Of-Pulse timing-measurement. Returns the average of the times, relative
to the trigger point, of the three measurement reference levels on the pulse
leading edge that contains MCRoss1 and the three levels on the pulse trailing
edge containing MCRoss2. See Mcross Calculations on page C–3 for defini-
tions of crossings. See Measurement Reference Levels on page C–2 for
descriptions of the reference levels.
COPulse used the edge index set by CALCulate<n>:WMParameter:EDGE as the
leading edge and next edge of opposite polarity as the trailing edge.
Timing measurement. The time relative to the trigger point at which the crossing
that you specify occurs. The CROSs measurement searches for the N
rences of an edge; during the search it counts edges of either polarity.
1. Searching from Start to End of waveform record, find the first transi-
tion — either negative-going or positive-going — through MREF (middle
2. Continue the search process until the N
crossing is found (user specifies N
using the CALCulate:WMParameter:EDGE command).
3. Cross = Time@crossing, where Time@trigger = 0.
Pretrigger crossings return negative times; posttrigger crossings return
positive times.
Positive values for N force the search at the start of the waveform record;
Negative values and zero at the end (zero designates the last crossing, –1 the next
to the last crossing, and so on in the waveform record).
Amplitude (voltage) measurement. The area over one waveform cycle. For
non-cyclical data, you might prefer to use the Area measurement.
Cycle Area