CALCulate Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Table 2–1: Waveform Measurement Definitions (cont.)
Measurement Definition
FTIMe Fall Time — the time between the HREFerence crossing and the
LREFerence crossing of the first falling edge of the acquisition record.
Units are seconds.
Gain Gain — the ratio of the amplitude of the target waveform to the
amplitude of the reference waveform. Reference waveforms with zero
amplitude return an error message. Gain has no units.
HIGH High — the value used as 100% for calculating the HREFerence,
MREFerence, and LREFerence. Current vertical units.
LOW Low — the value used as 0% for calculating the HREFerence,
MREFerence, and LREFerence. Current vertical units.
MAXimum Maximum — the most positive value in the acquisition record. Current
vertical units.
MEAN | DC Mean or DC — the arithmetic mean of the entire acquisition record.
Current vertical units.
MID Middle — the mid-point between MINimum and MAXimum values.
Current vertical units.
MINimum Minimum — the most negative value in the acquisition record. Current
vertical units.
NCROSs Time at N
Negative Crossing — the time relative to the trigger point of
the specified negative crossing. The crossing is specified according to
its sequence in the waveform record as an Nth negative crossing, with
positive values for N referenced from the start and negative values
referenced from the end of the waveform record. Positive crossings are
ignored. Units are seconds.
NDUTycycle Negative Dutycycle — the ratio between NWIDth and the PERiod of
the acquisition record. No units.
NWIDth Negative Width — the width of the first negative pulse in the acquisition
record. Measured in seconds.
Overshoot of a pulse edge — the difference between the HIGH signal
level (steady state response) and the positive peak amplitude
(transient) Expressed as a percentage of the waveform amplitude.
Contrast with PREshoot.
Positive Area of Waveform — the arithmetic area of the absolute value
of the waveform over the full measurement zone. Current vertical
PCROSs Time at N
Positive Crossing — the time relative to the trigger point of
the specified positive crossing. Specified according to its sequence in
the waveform record as an Nth positive crossing, with positive values
for N referenced from the start and negative values referenced from the
end of the waveform record. Negative crossings are ignored. Units are