TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Calculation system
PATH:EXPRession syntax defined, A–1
PATH:EXPRession syntax examples, A–2
command descriptions, 2–19
for auto-advance acquisition, 2–20
setting a second source, 2–28
setting the context, 2–30
setting the result format, 2–96
setting the source, 2–27
Calibrating OSR, 2–152, 2–162
CALibration, 2–86
CALibration Subsystem, command listing, 2–85
CALibration:RESults?, 2–90
CALibration:RESults:VERBose?, 2–91
CARea, measurement, 2–56
CENTer, filter command, 2–33
Chaining Commands and Queries, 1–4
Channel enable, FUNCtion command, 2–102
*CLS, 2–313
CMEan, measurement, 2–56
Block argument, 1–8
Rules for forming, 1–1
Syntax, 1–1
listing of commands, 2–1
overview of subsystems, 2–1
structure of IEEE 488.2 commands, 1–6
Compensating probes
enabling the PROBE COMPENSATION signal,
selecting the PROBE COMPENSATION source,
Constructed Mnemonics, 1–7
Continuous acquisition, 2–116
COPulse, measurement, 2–56
TRIGger:A, 2–231
TRIGger:A <presets>, 2–232
TRIGger:B, 2–246
setting input coupling, 2–122
TRIGger:B:<preset>, 2–247
CPARea, measurement, 2–56, 2–57, 2–58
Creating commands, 1–1
Creating queries, 1–2
CRMS, measurement, 2–56
CROSs, measurement, 2–56
Cycle Area, measurement, 2–56
Cycle Mean, measurement, 2–56
Cycle RMS, measurement, 2–56
DATA Subsystem, 2–101
Data transfer
setting byte order, 2–95
TRACe command, 2–216
DATA?, 2–110
DATA:PREamble?, 2–112
INPut coupling, 2–122
measurement, 2–57
TRIGger:A coupling, 2–231
TRIGger:B coupling, 2–246
DCD, RS-232 parameter, 2–191
Default Model(s), xviii
DELay, measurement, 2–56, 2–58
TRIGger:A by time, 2–234
TRIGger:B by events, 2–250
TRIGger:B by time, 2–249
DERivative, 2–26
Derivative waveform, enabling with STATe, 2–26
ECHO, RS-232 parameter, 2–193
ECLTrg:POLarity<n>, 2–139
ECLTrg:SOURce<n>, 2–140
Erase memory function, 2–205
ERESponse, RS-232 parameter, 2–193
ERRor?, query for system errors, 2–200
*ESE, 2–314
*ESR?, 2–315
Event delay, TRIGger:B:ECOunt command, 2–250
EXPRession, CALC command, 2–49
Expression calculation, syntax defined, A–1
Fall Time, measurement, 2–57
Fast Data Channel
specify waveforms to transfer, 2–224
waveform transfer command, 2–220
specifying CALC block source, 2–27
specifying CALC context parameter, 2–30
FEED2, specifying CALC block source, 2–28
FFT waveform
setting data format, 2–44
TRANsform command, 2–53