RAM Modules
2. Hold the front of the keyboard in place while you lower the rear of the
keyboard onto the computer case.
3. Insert the screwdriver blade between the Ins key and the Backspace key
and gently press down on the keyboard until the rightmost catch snaps
4. Insert the screwdriver blade between the F8 key and the 7 key and
gently press down on the keyboard until the center catch snaps locked.
5. Insert the small screwdriver blade between the F1 and 1 keys and gently
press down on the keyboard until the leftmost catch snaps locked.
6. Test the installation by closing the computer display/cover. If the
display closes securely with no resistance, the keyboard is correctly
Changing Memory Setup
After installing the RAM modules, turn on the computer, load the Setup Program, and
reset the Extended and/or Expanded (EMS) items to match the computer's new RAM
capacity. See Chapter 4 for information on the Setup Program. See Appendix F for
details on Extended and Expanded memory.
TravelMate 3000 Options 6-7