Learning About Hardware
The TravelMate 3000's LCD screen can be set to emulate industry-standard display
modes, including the VGA (video graphics array) mode used by IBM in its latest PS/2
series of personal computers. The screen displays colors as various shades of gray. The
illuminated, triple supertwist, LCD screen gives you maximum readability in all lighting
conditions with a true black-on-white display. Screen standards are summarized in
Appendix H of this manual.
Ports and Connectors
The parallel port (connector) is used to connect a parallel printer, and the RS-232C serial
port is used to connect an external modem, a serial printer, or other device that uses a
serial connector. The TravelMate 3000 also provides a 15pin connector for an external
analog monitor.
An external mouse connector on the left side of the case accepts an IBM PS/2 or
compatible mouse connector.
Hard Disk
The built-in hard disk is a permanently installed magnetic disk. Information is read from
and written to both sides of the disk at extremely high speeds by heads that float above the
disk surface on a cushion of air. When the disk is not actually being used, these heads
automatically 'park" themselves out of the way to prevent the disk surface from being
damaged by head movement.
The TravelMate 3000's standard hard disk can store up to 20 MB of information-the
equivalent of about 14 high-density floppies-and can write and read data very quickly.
This makes the hard disk the best place to store the programs you use most frequently.
Taking a First Look 1-5