Memory Device Drivers
The following second group of error codes are specific to the TACT 83000 memory
Invalid hardware for memory manager - The memory manager was run on a system which
did not contain the TACT 83000 chip set.
No EMS memory allocated - No Expanded memory was specified using the Memory
parameter, and no memory remained unallocated to use.
HIMEM.SYS is an eXtended Memory Manager (XMM) conforming to eXtended Memory
Specifications (XMS), version 2.0. HIMEM.SYS uses 64 KB of the high-memory area
(HMA) at the beginning of Extended memory to store a single TSR program or device
driver, or it uses this area for data storage. This effectively increases the size of standard
memory for use by your main application program. In order to use HMA, you must have
at least 64 KB of Extended memory.
To install HIMEM.SYS in its simplest form, include the following command line in your
CONFIG.SYS file before any other device commands that use Extended memory:
In this form, HIMEM.SYS will use default values, and access to HMA will be on a 'first
come-first served" basis. The first device driver or TSR under 64 KB which supports
HMA will go into HMA Other device drivers will go into standard memory.
Note: If you are using Windows 3.0, replace the HIMEM.SYS device driver included on
your Windows floppy. See "EMM.SYS" earlier in this appendix for operating
instructions in 386 enhanced or standard mode.
F-14 Configuring Memory